
6 Ways To Prevent Your Phone From Being Hacked


According to Statista, 83.40% of the total world population owns a smartphone. Which means that anyone that can have a smartphone, has it. Our smartphones barely get any rest. They are used for our work and playtime. Most of your life’s memories and work are in your phone so we understand when you wonder – how to protect my phone from being hacked.

As a smartphone owner, you should know how not to get hacked and how to protect your device. There are several ways to do this including downloading a free VPN. We have curated certain tips you can use as a smartphone owner to ensure that your data and phone is protected.

6 Ways to Prevent Your Phone From Being Hacked

1.    Go overboard with passwords

Here, we will begin with the fundamentals of how to not get hacked. In the event that your phone is lost or stolen, the very minimum of protection is to lock it with a facial ID, a fingerprint, a pattern, or a PIN. (Your selections will change based on the type of device, operating system, and manufacturer.) Extra precautions should be taken. Password-protect all of your phone’s accounts and, for added security, enable two-factor authentication for any apps that support it.

2.    Have an Emergency Exit Strategy

Consider the worst case scenario: you lose your phone. Completely gone. It’s either been stolen or lost forever. Now what? Secure it from afar, or even delete all of its contents. Though it may seem extreme to delete everything off your phone, if you have been backing up regularly as we’ve discussed, your information is safe and sound in the cloud and can be easily restored. Because of this, hackers won’t be able to access any of your private data, which will keep you out of jail and protect your organization. Both Apple and Google provide comprehensive guides for remotely erasing iOS and Android devices.

3.    Use a VPN

It can be difficult living with the question – Is my phone hacked nagging in your brain all the time. One way to ensure you don’t get hacked while using the internet is simple. Use a good VPN like VeePN. Alternatively, it’s not a good idea to use public Wi-Fi networks without security software. While using public Wi-Fi in places like airports, cafes, and hotels, a VPN can hide your traffic from potential hackers.

Given the amount of personal and professional business we do on our smartphones, knowing that your private data, documents, and activities are shielded from snooping by means of a VPN connection is a must. You can always check out the free trial and download a free VPN option on VeePN to see whether it suits your needs or not.

4.    Update Applications Regularly

Wondering what else is on the list of how not to get hacked? Everyone is guilty of downloading apps with the intention of using them only once before promptly forgetting they even exist. Spend a few seconds swiping through your apps to determine which ones you may safely eliminate. If you use an app that requires an account, it may also store information about you and your phone in the app’s server. You should also delete the associated accounts to ensure that any off-phone information is also removed.

This is because there will be an increased likelihood of security problems and the necessity for constant app updates. For security reasons, it’s best to get rid of unused programmes rather than risk having sensitive information exposed. When it comes to the ones you decide to maintain, it’s important to update them frequently and enable automatic updates whenever possible. Application updates typically fix vulnerabilities in addition to adding new functionality.

5.    Always Trust Only Official App Stores

Apps that could be harmful to users’ security are rejected at multiple levels by both Google Play and the App Store on the iOS platform. Off-market malicious programmes have the potential to steal your passwords, credit card details, and any other sensitive information stored on your mobile device as they run in the background. In addition, when browsing apps in app stores, it’s a good idea to read the program’s description and reviews thoroughly before installing it.

6.    Turn Off GPS

You should be aware that hackers can utilize your phone’s functions to steal data or disrupt your connection. It’s not necessary to always have your GPS, wireless connection, and geo-tracking enabled; activate them only when you need them. It is important that you close out whatever you can to ensure there are no vulnerabilities.


It is super important that you take measures like downloading a free VPN. Your phone holds so much important data including your personal finance data and other details that if hacked, can end in a very calamatic way for you. Hackers can use this data and entrap you in any hacking scheme. You can lose money and your identity.

VeePN is a great option for this, it comes with a free version and a paid version based on your needs. You can stay protected while using websites and also access different content from all over the world without any restrictions.