
Recalling Life Of Lizzie Seliger

Lizzie Seliger

Elizabeth Seliger, popularly known as Lizzie Seliger was died at the age of 82. She was buried in the Sheffield Cemetery of the Kansas City. She was the mother of the famous actor Ed Asner. If want to know more about her life and contributions then stay connected with this article, as some important fact about her life story has been described here.

Early Life Of Lizzie Seliger

Lizzie Seliger or Elizabeth Seliger was born in the year 1884 on 31 March. Her birth place was Bilhorod-Dnistrovsʹk, in Odessa of Ukraine. Her father was Herschel Seliger and mother was Ethel Tenebaum. They both were 23 at the time of her birth.

Married Life Of Lizzie Seliger

Lizzie Seliger or Elizabeth Seliger was married to Morris David Asner, most probably in the year 1915 in the Kansas City Wyandotte, Kansas, United States. Morris had a junkyard and a second-hand shop; these are their earning sources. This couple has 5 children together. She has spent 10 years of her life at Wyandotte, Kansas, United States, and another 10 years in the Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, United States.

Children Of Lizzie Seliger

Elizabeth and Morris together had five children. They are Eva, Esther, Labe, Ben, and actor Ed Asner, her youngest son was the most well-known as an actor and 7-time Emmy Award winner.

Lizzie Seliger’s Celebrity Son Ed Asner

Lizzie Seliger’s youngest son Ed Asner was a popular American actor. He has made several outstanding performances in the well-known films like Route 66 (1960), The Fugitive (1963), Untouchables (1959), Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1964) The Invaders (1967) and The X Files: How the Ghosts Stole Christmas (1998), Rich Man, Poor Man (1976), Roots (1977), Lou Grant (1977), The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970).

Ed Asner has served as the president of the Screen Actors Guild twice between the time span of 1981 and 1985.

In 1996, Asner was inaugurated into the Television Hall of Fame. He has also received the Screen Actors Guild’s Life Achievement Award in the year 2002.

Contribution Of Lizzie Seliger

Lizzie Seliger or Elizabeth Seliger was one of those few popular members of the Congregation Ohev Sholom. This organization is basically a Home for the Jewish Aged auxiliary. Elizabeth was also the member of the Beth Horan chapter of the
B’nai B’rith, and the Hadassah.

Congregation Ohev Sholom

On July 1, 2022, The Congregation Ohev Sholom was consolidated with the Congregation Beth Shalom in the year 2022 on July 1. The conclusive decision by both of Greater Kansas City’s 2 Conservative congregations to converge or consolidate amplifies the Conservative Movement or Activity in the community. The membership of Ohev has authorized the concurrence to populace with Congregation Beth Shalom. The congregational meeting was occurred in the year 2022 on June 26.

Death Of Lizzie Seliger

Lizzie Seliger took her last breath on 17 January 1967. At the time of her death, she was 82 years old. She died in Carbondale, Jackson, Illinois, United States. Lizzie Seliger was buried in Sheffield Cemetery, Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, United States. Her memorial ID is 6948498.


Lizzie Seliger or Elizabeth Seliger was the mother of the renowned actor Ed Asner. Apart from being a successful mother and a housewife this, Lizzie had another identity, she was the was one of those few popular members of the Congregation Ohev Sholom. She had served for the organization which is a Home for the Jewish Aged auxiliary. She had lived a successful life and died respectfully.