Intuitive, more commonly known as psychic, abilities are recognized as acred gifts from the spirit world. Mediums utilize these gifts to help people gain important insights into their lives. The insights from clairaudient spirit psychic readings, or another type of reading, ultimately help people get back on track. Then, they can determine the best option for their life. These insights can also simply help people gain more internal awareness.
The 4 Types of Intuition
The group of intuitive abilities is often dubbed “the clairs.” Etymologically, “clair” means “clear.” Intuitive skills correspond with the human senses. Having intuitive abilities enhances your senses so that you can detect a more straightforward intuitive message through them. The are four that are most common.
- Clairvoyance(clear sight)
Someone possessing the gift of clairvoyance can see images, paranormal beings, energy fields and auras. With clairvoyance, you can see visions with your mind’s eye, also known as the third eye. These visions often give a message that may immediately be clear or require interpretation.
- Clairaudience(clear sound)
Clairaudience abilities enable you to activate your inner hearing, which consists of a deeper level of sound than normal outer hearing. Your inner hearing always consists of tranquil sounds which can come as an echo of your own voice and can be as simple as a single word. Whatever you hear in your inner hearing will be a message to help guide you spiritually.
- Clairsentience(clear touch)
Empaths have clairsentience abilities. Clairsentient psychic readings are performed by mediums that are skilled in this type of ability. However, you don’t have to be a psychic to be an empath. In a place with many people, the empath can feel the collective energy among the crowd. This ability can be overwhelming because they can feel the emotions of everyone around them, just as if they were their own.
- Claircognizance(clear knowledge)
Claircognizance may be the most common of the intuitive abilities. This is the “gut feeling” you may feel about something that has yet to be revealed. Like human instinct, this intuition helps you protect yourself from potential harm. Most people probably have this ability at some level.
Clairgustance (clear taste) and clairalience (clear scent) are the remaining intuitive abilities. However, they are much less common than the four in this list.
What Is an Empath?
A psychic empath is a psychic medium who is inherently intensely sensitive to other people’s energies, pains and emotions. These are clairsentience abilities. They are sensitive to individuals around them, even people they don’t know, and they can be extreme sometimes. Empaths also naturally have a strong understanding of body language and feel deep-rooted pains and all types of emotions of others. An individual can be born with empathic abilities, or they can acquire them later in life after a traumatic event such as a near-death experience.
When you’re ready to gain a better understanding of your life, clairvoyant psychic readings live can help you acquire the information you need. Finally, it’s time to look forward to discovering more about yourself to lead a healthier, happier and more productive life.