Many are famous due to their talented work while the others are famous because of their relatives while many become popular due to various weird reasons. Many viral videos and many photos are sometimes the reason for someone becoming popular the way they are right now, just like Franklin Bennett Roof.
His popularity isn’t about him being a celebrity or any of his relatives doing him a favor by being the people’s favorite. His background story differs more from the modern stars that have gained massive popularity over the last decade.
Continue reading to find out more about Franklin Bennett Roof and why he was able to get massive attention diverted towards him.
Early Life
Franklin Bennett Roof is known as the father of one of the most wanted criminals out there, who seemed to be worse than a serial killer. His son, Dylan Roof, is the most wanted criminal who has committed not one but several crimes related to the shooting, murder and many more severe life-threatening harms.
Franklin Bennett was known as one of the most abusive fathers out there as he was the one who helped his son, Dylan, buy a gun for the shooting that took place at the Charleston Church massacre. Dylan is armed with several types of guns as he is not the impulsive shooter who woke up one day and chose violence. Franklin and his ex-wife had a domestic violence environment in the house which led little Dylan to become the criminal he is now.
Since Franklin Bennet was violent, it is hard to say anything related to his educational background. Nothing related to his education or studies has been made public, which is evident that his violent nature might be from his childhood which his son inherited from him. Other than Franklin, Dylan also seems to have nothing as his educational background but only the criminal record of his crimes. Even though Franklin was violent, his son, Dylan, seemed to outsmart him, and without education, he committed crimes his father could never think of.
Considering the educational and the criminal history that both the father and son have, it is quite obvious that they both don’t seem to have any career except being life-threatening criminals. Their only career was to take people’s lives while they could get away with it. Since both the father are addicted to violence, their career life seems to be as close as none.
Net Worth & Fun Facts
Not a single percent of their net worth has been calculated for the perfect estimate without any specific source of income and any kind of legally allowed income. Franklin Bernett also doesn’t seem to have any source of income, even in the past when he was separated from his ex-wife.
Bottling Up
Franklin Bernett is known as the father of the most wanted criminal, Dylan Roof, who happens to be just another cold-blooded murderer.