
Learn about early learning, kindergarten and childhood development in Queensland

Learn about early learning, kindergarten and childhood development in Queensland

If you live in Queensland and have a child or children who are not yet old enough to start primary school, to give them a head start, you might want to consider enrolling your child or children in an early learning centre, one which also doubles as a kindergarten facility.

The good news in the Sunshine State is that you have quite a few quality options. So, if you’re looking for excellent child care QLD, you’ll have some excellent choices.

In this article, you’ll discover some things to look for and be mindful of when choosing the right centre for you and your child.

Does the Centre Offer Long Daycare?

The facility’s operating hours are important, as they need to suit your requirements. If you’re working all day, you’ll need to enrol your child in a centre that remains open longer to ensure your child can remain there until you can pick them up. The operating hours of an early learning centre are one of the first things you should check out.

What Sort Of Education Does the Centre Offer?

Early education centres and kindergarten facilities are much more than child minding centres. They are designed to educate children prior to them starting the school years. Therefore, you’ll want to check the education curriculum at the centre to see what it entails. This early education forms a vital component in childhood development in QLD.

There should be a variety of educational programs in place, aimed at the various ages of the children. Education for small children and toddlers is going to differ from that offered to kids who are kindergarten and preschool-age.

For those nearing the age to start primary school, the centre should be offering a school readiness program, which includes education, activities and personal development to prepare children for the school years to come.

Also, look for a centre that incorporates the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) developed by ACECQA, such as the Education For Life program. This curriculum involves seven key areas that include:

  • Exploration
  • Community & Leisure
  • Self-Identity
  • Mind & Body
  • Scholastics
  • Creative
  • Thinking Skills

Physical Development Programs

Just as important as academics and brain development at an early age are physical development and activity. Young bodies need exercises and activities that are designed to help them grow into strong young children, which includes muscle development, bone strength, coordination, flexibility, balance and more.

When researching early learning centres for your child, be sure to look into what physical activities the centre provides and whether the centre provides both indoor and outdoor activities in a safe and secure environment. Does the centre have a playground and is there shelter from the sun and the weather while children are outdoors?

Healthy Eating and Nutrition

Learning about healthy eating and good nutrition is vital and the earlier children can learn about this in a fun and interactive way, the better. Any quality early learning facility will place a firm focus on teaching kids about nutrition and why they should care about what they eat.

Another thing you’ll want to look into is whether the centre provides meals for the kids. If they do, what’s on the menu and how healthy is the food? Ideally, the centre will have an on-site chef that prepares nutritious meals each day that kids enjoy eating. This helps children develop a deeper appreciation for healthy food and for them to understand that things like vegetables can actually taste good.

Extracurricular Activities

Aside from physical, personal and mental development activities that the centre should provide for a well-rounded curriculum, does the centre also offer some other fun and engaging extracurricular activities?

One thing children enjoy and can really gain many benefits from is music. Music engages both sides of the brain and can play a crucial role in positive brain development. Discovering the joy of music and even learning a musical instrument is also a lot of fun and opens up a child’s creative side.

Discover what extracurricular activities the centre provides, if any.

The Takeaway

Enrolling your child in an early learning centre is a positive move. Just be sure to research the facility thoroughly, so you understand exactly what they’re offering and whether it’s in line with your expectations.