Home Improvement

Renovating Your Kitchen? Avoid These Mistakes to Save Money

Renovating Your Kitchen Avoid These Mistakes to Save Money

The kitchen is one of the important parts of the household and hence its renovation would include vast things to look after. With the introduction of the latest kitchen models in the market, you might like to update your kitchen accordingly which would further add appeal to your house. Even if you have planned to spend a good amount on the renovation there are certain things you need to consider before stepping into the final action. There is always room for making uninformed wrong decisions that might cost you further in long run. This blog will guide you about kitchen mistakes you should avoid while renovating the kitchen in the first place.

Not making a proper plan

Homeowners usually get excited when it comes to kitchen renovation, they would pay attention to hiring experienced architects and builders, but most of the time they miss the crucial part which is proper planning. It further results in an additional cost that appears in the mid of the renovation work. Planning is the first step while you are attempting to renovate your kitchen. Think about your lifestyle, family members, and budget and plan accordingly. Most importantly, plan according to your need.

Underestimate the cost

Once you plan out the renovation process, then comes the tough part which is budgeting. At this stage, you are not supposed to rush things for the sake of, instead take your time and do the necessary research on flooring, cabinets, countertops, appliances, accessories etc.

This might take a bit of time but it’s still better than rushing things out. Your research will lead you to finalise an estimated budget, then again it is better to plan it out with a fair warning to keep some extra amount aside as a cut-to-cut budget might trouble you in the middle of the renovation process.

It is recommended to keep an extra 15 to 20 per cent more than the actual budget as a contingency. Read more on how to choose the right kitchen benchtop to help you in further research.

Opt to install the cabinets before the flooring

Another important factor to take into consideration is the order of installation. Haphazard order of installation would lead to more issues longing the period of work. As you have floors and cabinets to install, installing cabinets on top of hardwood would prevent the flooring to contract or expand further. Installation of the floor after cabinet installation would further reduce the chances of causing any damage to the floor that might take place due to the installation of the cabinet.

Not choosing the right flooring

The usage of hardwood is commonly evidenced in the kitchen area. If you are one of those who prefer hardwoods then it is recommended to go for one that has good finishing. A pre-finished hardwood can also be taken into consideration; however, hardwoods tend to be slippery that further increasing the risk of accidents in the kitchen area.

Alternatively, you can go for hand-scrapped reclaimed wood that would provide traction and provide further benefits by covering up the damage that took place due to kitchen wear and tears. The kitchen is a very important area in the household likewise it is one of those areas where accidents are more likely to take place, hence it is better to use necessary protections in the area where slips are more likely to happen. Also consider using pads or rugs in front of the pantry, dishwasher, fridge or sink.

Not installing a backsplash

A backsplash would be a great addition to your kitchen. Other than adding a great appeal to your kitchen it also serves an important function. Regular usage of the kitchen includes using a variety of oil and food products can make your kitchen look messy after a certain period. This is when backsplash comes into action, they help in keeping the kitchen wall clean by providing the necessary protection from the oils. It is not necessary to have a backsplash but installing one would be beneficial to your need.

Renovate Your Kitchen Avoid These Mistakes to Save Money

Ignoring the kitchen triangle

Other than styling your kitchen with elegance and the latest kitchen models, you need to focus on achieving an efficient outcome. The positioning of the gas stove, refrigerator and sink should not be very far from each other. This may give the kitchen a spacious look but in reality, it will make things difficult for you to coordinate while cooking. Installing all three of them in proximity will lead to finishing an efficient kitchen without making you go through unnecessary steps. Read on the best 10 kitchen benchtop specialists in Melbourne.

Giving in to the trends

Trends keep on updating with days and years. The inclusion of too many trendy items may fascinate you initially but with new emerging trends the existing ones may not keep up with your expectation. That is why avoid installing many trendy items at once so that you don’t have to go through major remodelling again in some years.

Try looking out for timeless trends like countertops and cabinetry they are worth giving in to the trend. Not only them there are a few more items like cabinet hardware, lighting or backsplash tiles that are worth considering while looking out for trends.

Installation of too many open shelves might excite you initially but you would need more storage space that these shelves won’t be able to compensate for. It is better to use cabinets with doors for storage purposes. However, you can consider installing open shelves close to a window to provide support to some plants if there are any.

Failing to sort the deliveries of products

When you are ordering from various shops or ordering for various things you need to plan out their delivery system. There are times when you might require to be updated with certain orders as they have not arrived yet whereas the renovation work has already started.

Even if the products are delivered on time, you need a separate place to keep those products, especially the larger ones. Lighting and plumbing showrooms can benefit in such situations as they won’t insist on delivering your order unless it’s required.

Also, they won’t charge any additional cost for keeping your order safely for days. They also ensure enough safety and security of your products and even in case of any unforeseen nuisance or damage the store will be responsible for further compensation.

Wrapping Up

Kitchen renovations are exciting as well as overwhelming at times. From hiring the concerned persons to purchasing materials, you have to go through a lot to make it happen fruitfully. Investing more time in planning would save you money in the long run. Likewise avoid making the above-mentioned mistakes while renovating your kitchen, a good planning and proper awareness can yield a great outcome.

Before buying kitchen remodeling supplies or appliances, it is a good idea to do some research and see if there are any coupons or promo codes that can be used. This can help you save a lot of money on your purchases, especially if you need to buy a lot of things for your kitchen renovation. In fact, if you have a card, you can find select Kohl’s items at 30% off. With this deal, you can save money on your kitchen renovation!

Also, read on Caesarstone Vs RHF Stone Kitchen Benchtops.

Author Bio:

Hi, I am Olivia Robinson, a writer, and blogger by profession. As I’m a wanderer, I share my experiences through my write-ups in a way that it’s understandable and appealing to people. I aim to achieve a difference through my writing, which allows my readers to make informed and valuable choices.