Home Improvement

Roof Maintenance Tips All Homeowners Should Know and Do

Roof Maintenance Tips All Homeowners Should Know and Do

When it comes to roofing, it is often the things you don’t spot that make the biggest impact. You may wonder how you can take care of your roof when you cannot always see the things that matter most. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered.

You don’t always have to climb on top of the rafters to inspect and maintain the roof. Instead, there are lots you can do with a bit of elbow grease and a ladder. As you’re fully aware, your home roof is in place for keeping you and your loved ones safe and warm. Whether you’ve had your roof recently cleaned or your existing one is in need of a replacement, here are some maintenance tips all homeowners can implement and benefit from.

Keep Your Gutters Clean

Whether it’s spring, summer, autumn or winter, each season comes with its debris.

Unfortunately, a lot of it can end up in your gutters. If there is one roof maintenance tip to take on board, it’s to ensure your gutters are clear and free of any blockages all year round. If water cannot freely flow down your gutters and away from your property, this can cause a whole load of trouble. So, it’ll be important in case of a commercial roof cooperative purchasing too!

Trim Back Trees

While trees close to your property can make your garden look pretty and picturesque, they can cause some nuisances too. Branches and limbs knocked loose during rainy, windy weather can cause immediate damage to your roof. What’s more, critters can invade your home and be a nightmare to get rid of!

One of the best pieces of advice for maintaining your roof is to cut back any threatening branches. If you notice tree branches are beginning to grow a little too close to home, it’s time to trim them back a couple of feet. When you do this, you’ll have peace of mind there won’t be problems when there’s a sudden bout of bad weather. Also, make sure shrubs have enough space for your gutters to drain water away from your home properly. This will prevent damage to your property’s foundations.

Ensure Strong Insulation

A poorly insulated roof can cause a home to lose more heat than you realise. Fitting your loft or roof space with proper insulation helps cut back costs on energy bills while keeping you and your loved ones warm and toasty.

When installed correctly, roofing insulation can last for decades and decades! This means it’ll pay for itself in energy bill savings before you know it. You can purchase plastic roof sheets and corrugated roofing sheets from ClearAmber Shop that are great for insulating. They are a global manufacturer of specialist roofing products that you can use to keep your roof in tip-top condition. Discover how to qualify for insulation grants under the ECO scheme with Warma UK’s guide. Learn how to save on energy-efficient home improvements.

Remove Snow from Your Roof

Snow can be brilliant to frolic in. However, a significant build-up of the stuff on your roof can quickly create a not-so-fun situation! If you’ve got an older, shabbier roof, a large amount of snow housed on your roof can lead to the risk of your roof collapsing!

To get rid of snow from your roof, you need to carefully scrape whatever snow you can reach. Use a snow rake for this. Doing so helps relieve weight of the snow on your roof, as well as lowers the risk of a roof collapse. While the UK doesn’t exactly get covered in snow every winter, there are periods where a heavy fall can happen. In these situations, you need to act fast to ensure your roof stays in prime condition.

Check Your Shingles

Granted this is perhaps the most obvious of tips, but unless you’re checking for loose or cracked shingles, you will not notice the urgency for a roof repair. If you’re checking your shingles from the ground up, make sure to look out for examples of rubble or dust on the ground near your property. This will suggest the shingles on your roof need repairing.

In the event of a storm or high winds, it’s especially important that you check your shingles. If you notice any cracks or other issues, make sure you address them immediately and get it sorted. If there are loose shingles, all it takes is for one to fall off the roof when you’re outdoors and disaster strikes. For those who have young children, in particular, you must get your shingles looked at straight away.

Examine Your Loft Regularly

While it is almost impossible to climb onto your roof without scaffolding, a roofing professional, and a ladder, it’s easy to get into your loft and check your roof from the inside out. There are warning signs that you may be presented with that you mustn’t ignore. One of these is seeing sunlight peeping into the loft. This will signal there are shingles already missing from your roof. Because of this, rain can easily pour into your loft, meaning water damage is imminent.

Next, look out for any walls that feel or look damp. This is another telltale sign that rain is getting in through cracks in your shingles. Get into the habit of going into your loft once or twice a year to check your roof. If you’re not sure what to look for, it’s wise to call in a professional to do the job for you.

Get Your Roof Inspected

As well as inspecting your loft, you must get your roof inspected at least once a year. Doing so is crucial for a number of reasons. Firstly, a roof inspection is one of the main criteria to maintain a roof warranty. It’s also one of the only sure signs that there is nothing wrong with your roof.

There are a wide range of other benefits to getting your roof inspected regularly. If you believe you’re paying a fortune in energy bills, this could be down to a draft seeping in from the roof. When you get it inspected, this problem can be identified and fixed immediately. Also, having structural integrity is a crucial factor when valuing a property. Roofs in good health will fetch a much higher asking price than a roof with extensive wear and tear or damage.

As a homeowner, understanding how to maintain your roof can be an intimidating process. Regardless of what kind of roof your property has, you’ll want it to last to its expected service life. For this to happen, it’s your responsibility to provide appropriate maintenance and care.

No one wants to deal with extensive repairs and water leaks. If you’re not careful, you could find you need an entire roof replacement if you bury your head in the sand! Once you get up to scratch with your roof maintenance regime, you can be confident your roof will last for many, many years and most importantly, keep you and your loved ones safe.