
10 Myths About Dark Web Monitoring



The dark web is often associated with illegal activity, such as the sale of drugs and weapons, child pornography, and stolen credit card numbers. While there is certainly some truth to this (the dark web is where these things are often bought and sold), it’s not the whole story. The dark web is also home to a number of legal businesses and services, including journalism and political activism.

In this article, we’ll dispel some of the myths about the dark web and show you how businesses can use it for legitimate purposes.

Myth 1: The Dark Web Is Only Used by Criminals

This is perhaps the most common myth about the dark web. While it’s true that criminals do use the dark web to buy and sell illegal goods and services, they are far from the only ones. There are a number of legitimate businesses and services that can be found on the dark web, including journalism and political activism. You can ask the RemoteDBA Administrator for more details.

Myth 2: The Dark Web Is Difficult to Access

Another common myth about the dark web is that it is difficult to access. This is not necessarily true. While the dark web is not indexed by search engines like Google, there are a number of ways to access it. The most popular way is with the Tor browser, which is a free and open-source web browser that allows users to access the dark web.

Myth 3: You Need to Be a Computer Expert to Use the Dark Web

This myth is likely perpetuated by the fact that the dark web is often associated with illegal activity. While it’s true that some of the things you can find on the dark web are illegal, you don’t need to be a computer expert to access it. The Tor browser is easy to use and there are a number of guides available that can help you get started.

Myth 4: The Dark Web Is Full of Viruses

This is another myth that is likely perpetuated by the fact that the dark web is often associated with illegal activity. While there are certainly some malicious websites on the dark web, there are also a number of legitimate ones. If you’re concerned about viruses, you can take precautions such as using a VPN and an anti-virus program.

Myth 5: The Dark Web Is Slow

This myth is likely due to the fact that the dark web is often accessed through the Tor browser, which can be slower than traditional browsers. However, this is not always the case. There are a number of ways to speed up the Tor browser, and some websites even have special versions that are optimized for use with Tor.

Myth 6: The Dark Web Is Only for Illegal Activity

As we’ve mentioned before, the dark web is often associated with illegal activity. While it’s true that you can find a number of illegal things on the dark web, there are also a number of legitimate businesses and services.

Myth 7: You Can Find Anything on the Dark Web

This is another common myth about the dark web. While you can find a number of things on the dark web, it is not a magical place where you can find anything and everything.

Myth 8: The Dark Web Is Full of Child Pornography

This myth is likely perpetuated by the fact that the dark web is often associated with illegal activity. While there is certainly some child pornography on the dark web, it is not as prevalent as some people believe.

Myth 9: The Dark Web Is Inaccessible to Law Enforcement

This myth is likely due to the fact that the dark web is often used for illegal activity. However, law enforcement agencies have been able to access the dark web and make arrests.

Myth 10: The Dark Web Is Invisible to Google

This myth is likely due to the fact that the dark web is often associated with illegal activity. However, this is not the case. While the dark web is not indexed by search engines like Google, there are a number of ways to access it.


The dark web is not just a place for criminals. There are a number of legitimate businesses and services that can be found on the dark web, including journalism and political activism. If you’re concerned about viruses, you can take precautions such as using a VPN and an anti-virus program. You don’t need to be a computer expert to access the dark web. The Tor browser is easy to use and there are a number of guides available that can help you get started.