
3 Tips for Troubleshooting Common Issues with Your Toyota Key Fob

Your Toyota Key Fob

As an adult, there are a lot of things to be stressed out about. Being a car owner brings its own set of issues, especially when it starts to act up. Even a small issue, like a key fob not working, can send you into a tailspin.

But it doesn’t have to be that way! There are plenty of troubleshooting steps you can take to figure out the issue and get your car working again.

When your Toyota key fob starts acting up, start with these three tips to see if you can resolve the issue fast!

1. Check the Battery

Generally, a key fob isn’t going to just stop working out of the blue. More often, it will start to fade over time. You’ll start to notice that you have to push the buttons more than once.

When you see these signs, the first key fob solution to try is checking the battery. A dead (or dying) battery is the most common issue for key fobs. Luckily, that’s a pretty easy fix.

The battery you’ll need will depend on the type of key fob you have. Usually, you can easily open it up to see what you need. Switching it out for a new one should solve all your problems!

2. Deep Clean the Buttons

Sometimes you may still experience issues, even after you’ve changed out the batteries. If that’s the case, it’s a good idea to give the whole broken key fob a deep cleaning.

Being carried around all over the place means they can get all kinds of dirty. The debris can cause the buttons to get stuck and cause all your issues.

Usually, a wipe will be enough to get everything cleared out and working!

3. Use Another Key Fob

If you have done all that and still have an issue, it may be time to look into car key replacement. But before you do that, here’s one last test to see if that’s the next step. Test your backup key fob to see if it has any of the same problems.

The same problems coming from the backup fob means there may actually be an issue with the car itself.

This is good to know so you can start finding a solution to the real issue instead of wasting time on the key fob. These issues are usually a job for the experts. So get it into the shop as soon as possible!

Fix Your Toyota Key Fob

While it’s an inconvenience, fixing your Toyota key fob doesn’t have to be a major pain. Following these steps when you first notice an issue can help save you from a major headache. Or worse, from not being able to get into your car at all!

If all else fails, it’s a good idea to head to the pros to get everything sorted out.

Knowing how to take care of the basics in your car can end up being very valuable information! If you’re interested in learning more about maintaining a car, check out our other articles!