
Improve Your Joint Health With These Tips From Orthopedic Doctors

Improve Your Joint Health With These Tips From Orthopedic Doctors

According to orthopedic doctors, most injuries and issues they have to deal with are because their patients tend to have weak joints. There are various reasons why this can happen, as some patients have incurable diseases, while others just do not do enough physical activities or have a bad diet. With these tips from orthopedic doctors, your joints will be healthier, which will reduce the risk of injury.

Having a good diet is essential

According to pretty much any orthopaedic doctor, the most important thing when it comes to having good joint health is to have a good diet. If you are wondering what makes a good diet for joint health, the idea is to essentially go for anti-inflammatory foods.

By avoiding food that can cause inflammation, you will be lowering the risk of developing arthritis, which is the most common disease for joints. Red meats, refined carbohydrates, and food that is processed or has added sugar are just some of the foods that are known to cause inflammation.

Instead, you should be focusing on eating healthier food, which is better not only for your joints but for your overall health. Whole grains, colorful fruits, vegetables like brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, and root vegetables are fantastic choices. If you are a fan of fish, then salmon, tuna, mackerel, and any other fish is an ideal choice too, as they are all great sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Exercise correctly

Most joint injuries occur because they are not used to the sudden motions that surprise your body when it moves unusually. To assure that your joints are healthy and strong, exercise is very important.

However, while exercise is important, it is also important to know which exercises are good for your joints, and even more important is to warm up before exercising. Make warming up the number one part of your routine before you start working out, as doing so will assure that the synovial fluid around the joints is released properly and that the blood flow to your muscles is boosted.

Improve Your Joint Health With These Tips From Orthopedic Doctors

Weight matters

While some joints are not affected that much by weight, when it comes to the hips, knees, and ankles, weight has a very big impact because those joints have to bear the upper part of your body. It is known that for every 10 pounds a person gains that the pressure on their knees is five times bigger, and this is also known to increase the risk of arthritis by 36%. Keeping your weight near your BMI is suggested.

Do not push yourself if you notice pain

A lot of people today will simply ignore the pain they are experiencing and move on with their day like it is nothing. However, that is one of the most common reasons why people tend to experience joint pain later in their life regularly, and at one point, it becomes too much to ignore.

When your body tells you that something hurts, it Is a sign that you should take a break from whatever you are doing, and that you have been pushing yourself too hard. Even a five-minute break from your current activity can be enough and make a huge difference in the long run.

Remember to drink water

Considering that the connective tissue, or to be more specific, your cartilage around the joints, is made eighty percent out of the water, it is very important to stay hydrated and drink enough water every day. If you happen to be dehydrated, your body will move the water that resides around your cartilage to the part where it needs to use it more at that moment, which leaves joints prone to injury.

While hydration can come from drinking pretty much any liquid, it is always best to go with water, as your body will not have to do extra work to process the good material out of it. Sometimes when you drink fizzy drinks, you are making yourself left hydrated.

Surgery can help your current problems

If you already happen to have an injured joint, there are various ways an orthopedic doctor can help you out. For instance, if you have a bad knee, you can undergo knee replacement in Coffs Harbour and make your knee feel like it is brand new. Medicine has come a long way, and you should consider taking advantage of that.

Final word

Keeping the joints healthy is one of the most important things to do for your health, as joints are the parts of your body that are used the most. Whether you are walking or doing something with your hands, the joints are doing a lot of work so making sure they stay healthy by following our tips is highly advised.