
Top 5 Mental Health Apps

Top 5 Mental Health Apps

This world is a very stressful place. Its competitive nature is giving rise to many mental health issues. Every day we wake up to a new challenge. The unrealistic standards that we have set for ourselves are taking a huge toll on both our mental and physical health. We feel like we must overburden ourselves and so work day and night to gain acceptance.

In this rat race, we have forgotten who we truly are. Due to all of these reasons, mental health conditions like anxiety and depression have become very common. The fear of the unknown and this worldly competition keeps us on our toes and we end up ruining our mental well-being.

We understand that avoiding all of this is not the solution. Calming the mind and soul and preventing the overthinking brain to ruin our peace of mind is the need of the hour. Yes, this digital age has given us a lot of stress; however, let us not forget the countless benefits that it has blessed us with.

Thanks to the internet, we can now accomplish everything from the comfort of our homes. If you are bored but don’t feel like going out, what do you do? You access the internet and watch your favorite shows or movies. What do you do when it’s three in the morning and you are craving your favorite milk chocolate cookies? You without any doubt fire up the internet and order food online. Similarly, when you are feeling stressed and see no way out, downloading the apps that safeguard your mental health is the way to go.

Yes, you heard it right. Thanks to all these technological advancements, we now have apps that are dedicated to improving both the physical and mental health of people. In this article, we will be focusing only on mental health, of course.

Going to a therapist is always a good idea, however when you have lost all hope and getting out of bed seems like a big struggle, the best idea is to download these apps and get help from the comfort of your home. Since you will be taking these sessions online, then of course all you need then is a stable internet connection like the one offered by Optimum and you’ll be good to go.

You can always contact the provider’s customer care department and ask about the deals and packages that best meet your budget and start downloading the apps right away. If you are a Hispanic user and are struggling to find an affordable internet deal, you can get in touch with Optimum Español and receive assistance in Spanish. Once you are done signing up with an efficient internet connection, you can download all the mental health apps that we have enlisted in this article.


A struggling teenager and her brother created this thoughtful app to help all teenagers around the world. The main highlight of this app is a big, red button that can be switched on in order to let close relatives, friends, and family know that help is needed.

This app allows users to include at least five close contacts as part of their help group so when they feel down and hit the big panic button, a little message alert along with their current location is sent to their trusted contacts.


More than 200 distinct tasks for mood improvement are offered to customers by MoodKit, which is built on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy. The MoodKit, created by two clinical psychologists, teaches you how to alter your thinking patterns and cultivates self-awareness ad positive attitudes. By reviewing the day, noting any upsetting thoughts, and recording how you overcome them, you can use the journal function to engage in self-care.


MindShift is one of the greatest mental health apps created especially for teenagers with anxiety. Rather than striving to prevent feelings of anxiety, MindShift stresses the significance of changing how you think about this condition. Consider this app as your cheerleader, motivating you to take control of your life, get rid of intense emotions, and face all the difficult situations.

CBT Thought Diary

The integral concept of cognitive-behavioral therapy is altering your feelings by recognizing pessimistic and deceiving thinking patterns. You can use this app to effectively record negative emotions, evaluate the flaws in your thinking and reassess your thoughts. CBT Thought Diary is an incredible app for slowly changing your approach to stress-inducing circumstances as well as your thinking patterns for forthcoming situations.


This mood-tracking app is created particularly for people who are suffering from bipolar disorder. Users can track their mood changes, agitation, and psychotic symptoms throughout the day and indicate how severe their symptoms are.

The user can then export a monthly summary report to pinpoint specific triggers and gain a better understanding of their functioning mood. Users can also see their mood changes on a color-coded monthly calendar.

Wrapping Up

Mental health is no joke. It deserves all our attention and we must never take it for granted. If you are also suffering from mental health conditions like stress, anxiety, depression, etc. do give this article a read, and don’t forget to download all the amazing apps that we have mentioned in this article. Stay consistent and we are sure you will notice a huge difference in just a few days. Good Luck!