Home Improvement

How To Properly Maintain A New Copper Sink

How To Properly Maintain A New Copper Sink

There are few home renovations more transformative than installing a copper sink. This material is so beautiful, modern, and unique that it makes any kitchen feel sleek, vintage, rustic or something in between.

But before you buy one for your home, there are some things you should know about caring for copper sinks. After all, they’re not like any other sink you’ve ever used!

Below is everything you need to know about keeping copper sinks looking clean, new and beautiful for years to come.

Wash Your Copper Sink With Warm Water and Mild Detergent

The first step to keeping your copper sink clean is to actually clean it. Just like any other surface, you should regularly wash your sink to remove dirt and grime that can stain or damage the surface.

You can use a mild dish soap mixed with warm water as your regular cleaning solution. If you have hard water, it’s a good idea to use a water softener like Calgon or Borax. These products will help reduce the amount of mineral deposits that build up on your sink’s surface over time.

If your copper sink has built-up dirt or stains, you can try using a scrub brush or sponge to remove the debris. Be careful not to scrub too hard, though, as you don’t want to scratch the surface.

Dry Your Copper Sink Immediately After Washing

One of the best ways to avoid stains and water spots on your copper sink is to immediately dry it after washing. This will help prevent water spotting and mineral deposits that can build up over time and mar the surface.

You can either dry it with a clean towel or use a squeegee to speed up the process. If you use a towel, make sure it is 100% cotton. Other fabrics like synthetic materials can scratch the surface. Avoid using paper towels as they can leave lint behind that will need to be cleaned off.

Apply a Copper-Safe Polish To Keep Your Sink Shiny

Regularly cleaning and drying your copper sink will help keep it shiny and new-looking for a long time. But it may not be enough to keep it looking as shiny as it did when you first installed it. To get that original shine back, you may need to polish your sink every couple of weeks or so.

The good news is that many copper-safe polishes are made without any harsh chemicals that can damage the surface. You can find them at most hardware or home improvement stores or online. Just follow the directions on the packaging.

Be Careful With Acidic Products and Cleaning Agents

While many copper sinks are stain-and-scratch resistant, they are not immune to damage. You should be especially careful with cleaning products such as bleach or other harsh chemicals as they might discolor your sink.

While they may kill germs and sanitize your sink, they can also damage the surface of your sink over time. If you need to sanitize your sink, use a diluted, mild solution of water and white vinegar.

In Conclusion

There’s something about copper that makes it seem like the perfect material for all things domestic and homey. Maybe it’s the way light dances on its surface, or perhaps we just think of it as a “homey” metal because so many old farmhouses have them. Either way, it’s no surprise that copper sinks are becoming more and more commonplace in domestic homes everywhere.

The truth is, copper sinks aren’t difficult to care for at all—and they come with a range of excellent benefits. They look great, they feel great, and they are also easy to clean (provided you follow some simple maintenance instructions). The key to successful upkeep of a copper sink is knowing which cleaning products are safe to use on it and how often the surface needs special attention. If you follow these simple tips, your copper sink will continue shining for years to come.